Brauge T, Mougin J, Ells T, Midelet G, 2024. Sources and contamination routes of seafood with human pathogenic Vibrio spp.: A Farm-to-Fork approach. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, 23, 1–25.
Giraldo C, Cresson P, MacKenzie K et al. Insights into planktonic food-web dynamics through the lens of size and season. Sci Rep 14, 1684, 2024. [Action 2019.2]
Bertin S, Rubio A, Hernández-Carrasco I, Solabarrieta L, Ruiz I, Orfila A, Sentchev A, 2024. Coastal current convergence structures in the Bay of Biscay from optimized high-frequency radar and satellite data. Science of The Total Environment 947, 174372. [Action 2024.12]
Mahé K, Mateos A, Poisson-Caillault E, Couette S, Laffont R, MacKenzie K, Andrialovanirina N, 2024. Identification des poissons par leurs otolithes en 3D. Manche et mer du Nord, Versailles, Éditions Quæ, 78 p.
Braun S et Schmitt F.G. (Eds.) Les stations marines de la Côte d’Opale – 150 ans d’histoire, Presses Universitaires du Spetentrion, 2024, 160 pp. ISBN : 102757441876
Ltaief S, Mateos A, Mouy C, Walha K, Firdaous Loubna. Valorization of shrimp processing wastewaters by protein recovery and reuse of process water. ICCME, 2nd international conference on chemistry material and environment, 7-9 novembre 2024, Monastir (Tunisie)
Bertin S, Rubio A, Hernandez-Carrasco I, Solabarrieta L, Ruiz I, Orfila A, Sentchev A. Identification des zones de convergence par le calcul de métriques lagrangiennes à partir de champs de courant de surface issus de modèles tridimentionnels et radar HF : Application à l’étude du transport des déchets marins dans le golfe de Gascogne. JNGCGC conférence, Anglet (France), juin 2024 [Action 2024.12]
Bertin S, Rubio A, Hernandez-Carrasco I, Solabarrieta L, Ruiz I, Orfila A, Sentchev A. Operational observations of coastal current convergence structures driving floating marine litter aggregation in the southeastern Bay of Biscay. EOF conference, Valence (Espagne), juillet 2024 [Action 2024.12]
Bertin S, Rubio A, Hernandez-Carrasco I, Solabarrieta L, Ruiz I, Orfila A, Sentchev A. Identifying coastal Current Convergence Structures in the southeastern Bay of Biscay by a combination of HF radar and Lagrangian measurements of surface current velocities : application to Floating Marine Litter. International Radiowave Oceanography Workshop, ROW, Plymouth, (Royaume-Uni), septembre 2024 [Action 2024.12]
Doyen P, Fourez E, Sawan R, Viudes F, Veillet G, Amara R. Seasonal study of plastic dynamics in a French coastal river. Congrès international MICRO 2024, Lanzarote, septembre 2024 [Action 2024.8]