The International Association for Sediment Water Science (IASWS) is a network of scientists interested in sediments and their interactions with water and biota in aquatic systems.

The association brings together scientists from various disciplines like earth scientists, biologists, chemists and environmental engineers whose interests pertain to sediment-water interactions in all aquatic systems.

A major feature on the IASWS calendar is the tri-annual International Symposium On The Interactions Between Sediments and Water, with the next symposium to be held from 30 June to 4th July 2025 at Le Touquet, France.

After the previous meetings, discussions between participants and board members convinced us of the relevance of combining the ‘traditional’ IASWS tri-annual meeting (talks & poster sessions) with an international Summer School, dedicated to young researchers (mainly PhD and graduate students, Post-Doc, junior scientists), whose objective would be to acquire some additional or complementary, background, and practical skills in this field of sediment-water interactions.

Objectives of the IASWS

To promote, encourage and recognize excellence in scientific research related to sediments and their interactions with water and biota in fluvial, lacustrine and marine systems and with particular reference to problems of environmental concern; and

To bring together and foster collaborative research and dialogue between earth scientists, biologists, chemists and environmental engineers whose interests pertain to sediment-water interactions in all aquatic systems.

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