
Roy Sayahnya, Sentchev Alexei, Schmitt François G, Augustin Patrick, Fourmentin Marc, 2021. Impact of nocturnal Low-Level Jet and orographic waves on the turbulent motions and energy fluxes in the lower atmospheric boundary layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, Springer Verlag, 2021, 180 (3), pp.527-542. [LPCA/LOG]

Roy Sayahnya, Sentchev Alexei, Fourmentin Marc, Augustin Patrick, 2021. Turbulence of landward and seaward wind during sea-breeze 2 days within the lower atmospheric boundary layer. Atmosphere 2021, 12(12),1563. [LPCA/LOG]

Alboody Ahed, Puigt Matthieu, Roussel Gilles, Vantrepotte Vincent, Jamet Cédric, Tran Trung Kien, 2021. Experimental comparison of multi-sharpening methods applied to Sentinel-2 MSI and Sentinel-3 OLCI images. 1th Workshop on Hyperspectral Image and Signal Processing: Evolutions in Remote Sensing (WHISPERS). [LISIC/LOG]

LOG, LSA, BioEcoAgro

Akoueson Fleurine, Chbib Chaza, Monchy Sébastien, Paul-Pont Ika, Doyen Perine, Dehaut Alexandre, Duflos Gillaume, 2021. Identification and quantification of plastic additives using pyrolysis-GC/MS : a review. Science of the Total Environment, 773, 145073. [LOG/LSA/BioEcoAgro (ancien ICV)]

Augustin, P. et al., 17 mars 2021, Impact de la dynamique de la brise de mer sur les polluants atmosphériques, 3ème Université d’Hiver E5T, Dunkerque [LOG/LPCA]

Roy, S., Sentchev, A., Schmitt, F., G., Augustin, P., Fourmentin, M., mai 2021, Multi-step wind variability prediction based on deep learning neural network, EGU General Assembly, Vienne, Autriche [LOG/LPCA]