The coast in 50 years: co-construction of adaptation strategies to climate change on the Côte d’Opale (2016–2019)
The COSACO project, supported by the Fondation de France, was a citizen science research project involving the local population and local stakeholders, and had 4 main objectives:
- to evaluate the potiential impacts of climate change on two coastal sites in Pas-de-Calais (Baie de Wissant, Platier d’Oyeto inform the local population and stakeholders of the results
to involve the population in a research action in order to implement co-construction of adaptation strategies
to analyse the social acceptability of the methods that could be implemented by public bodies
Scientific Project Lead: Marie-Hélène Ruz, UMR CNRS 8187 LOG
LOG: Marie-Hélène Ruz (ULCO), Arnaud Hequette (ULCO), Olivier Cohen (ULCO), Lucie Le Goff (ULCO), Rachel Revillon (ULCO)
TVES: Philippe Dedoudt, Vincent Herbert (ULCO), Florian Le Breton (ULCO), Caroline Rufin-Soler (ULCO)
LADYSS: Anne-Peggy Hellequin (Université Paris Nanterre)